Asbestos Inspection
An asbestos inspection in Virginia requires the inspector to be licensed through the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation. The objective of an asbestos inspection is to identify and collect samples of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and submit the samples to an accredited laboratory to determine the presence and quantity of asbestos prior to renovation or demolition activities.
There are thousands of building materials that are suspect for containing asbestos. The licensed inspector will initially conduct a site walk-through to determine the suspect materials and assess a sampling plan. Types of materials collected during an asbestos inspection include drywall and joint compound, plaster and skim coat, ceramic tile grout, suspended acoustical ceiling tiles, textured wall and ceiling surfacing materials, fireplace mortar, resilient flooring materials and associated mastics, adhesives, roofing materials, door and window caulks and glaze, cement siding materials, fireproofing materials, thermal system insulation (TSI) and other pipe or duct insulating materials, to name a few. Building materials typically not collected and analyzed during an asbestos inspection include brick, concrete, concrete block, metal, glass, plastics, ceramic tile, wood, and silicone.
The samples are collected and submitted to an accredited laboratory following proper chain of custody procedures. The samples are analyzed for bulk phase light microscopy (PLM) analysis. ACM is defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as materials containing 1% or greater asbestos minerals. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines ACM as building materials containing any amount of asbestos minerals.
Once building components containing asbestos are identified and noted on a diagram within the asbestos inspection report, contractors performing renovation or demolition activities that could potentially disturb the ACM must first have the ACM abated by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor following and abiding by all federal and local regulations.
An asbestos inspection in Virginia requires the inspector to be licensed through the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation. The objective of an asbestos inspection is to identify and collect samples of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and submit the samples to an accredited laboratory to determine the presence and quantity of asbestos prior to renovation or demolition activities.
There are thousands of building materials that are suspect for containing asbestos. The licensed inspector will initially conduct a site walk-through to determine the suspect materials and assess a sampling plan. Types of materials collected during an asbestos inspection include drywall and joint compound, plaster and skim coat, ceramic tile grout, suspended acoustical ceiling tiles, textured wall and ceiling surfacing materials, fireplace mortar, resilient flooring materials and associated mastics, adhesives, roofing materials, door and window caulks and glaze, cement siding materials, fireproofing materials, thermal system insulation (TSI) and other pipe or duct insulating materials, to name a few. Building materials typically not collected and analyzed during an asbestos inspection include brick, concrete, concrete block, metal, glass, plastics, ceramic tile, wood, and silicone.
The samples are collected and submitted to an accredited laboratory following proper chain of custody procedures. The samples are analyzed for bulk phase light microscopy (PLM) analysis. ACM is defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as materials containing 1% or greater asbestos minerals. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines ACM as building materials containing any amount of asbestos minerals.
Once building components containing asbestos are identified and noted on a diagram within the asbestos inspection report, contractors performing renovation or demolition activities that could potentially disturb the ACM must first have the ACM abated by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor following and abiding by all federal and local regulations.